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water | Our Daily Planet

Stories tagged "water"

July 14, 2019

One Cool Tennis Thing: Wimbledon “Aces” Sustainability

Wimbledon crowned its new champions over the weekend (congrats to all the winners), but the biggest winner overall was conservation.  This year, the tournament went all in on sustainability — from donating all the 53,000 used tennis balls to schools and selling...

June 30, 2019

New Study Find Water Underwater

Using high tech equipment usually employed to find oil and gas resources under the seabed, researchers have found another precious natural resource — a huge freshwater aquifer stretching from the coast of Massachusetts to New Jersey.  The brackish (somewhat...

April 28, 2019

One Cool Thing for Cooling Off: Drink Pouches Made of Seaweed

At the London Marathon yesterday, organizers tried something new to sustainably refresh runners and replace plastic bottles and paper cups that litter the route of most road races.  According to CBS News, the 40,000 runners received a seaweed capsule filled with...

April 9, 2019

Bipartisan Agreement On Colorado River Drought Plan

A bipartisan group of lawmakers worked quickly yesterday to provide Congressional approval for a drought plan to address the shrinking supply of water from the Colorado River, which provides 40 million people in the West with drinking water, power and irrigation for...

February 15, 2019

EPA Says It Will Regulate Toxic PFAS Chemicals…Eventually

Yesterday the EPA released its long-awaited plan to address Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) a family of chemicals that are linked to cancer and other illnesses, and that are found widely across the U.S. in drinking water and soil.  But the...

February 14, 2019

Flint water crisis: what’s being done?

Yesterday we wrote about how the people responsible for the Flint water crisis have not yet been held accountable. Partially because justice has not been brought to the city, a new Democratic governor (Gretchen Whitmer) was elected last fall and just last week...

February 12, 2019

West coast storms to get new 1-5 rating system

We’re all familiar with the 1-5 rankings that Atlantic hurricanes receive based on the Saffir-Simpson scale which assigns hurricanes a number based on their sustained wind speed. However, despite experiencing heavy rainstorms, the Pacific coast hasn’t had...

February 5, 2019

Climate change threatens fragile Himalayan glaciers

The Himalayan range is home to our planet’s highest peaks and it would be easy to assume that it’s protected from the effects of climate change due to this staggering altitude. Unfortunately, as it turns out, neither the ocean floor nor the tallest...